November 2022
Protected for 2300 years from the mud and boiling water of the sacred tanks, a never-before-seen votive deposit has re-emerged from the excavations of San Casciano dei Bagni, in Tuscany, with over 24 bronze statues, five of which almost a meter, all intact and in perfect condition. “A discovery that will rewrite history and on which more than 60 experts from all over the world are already at work”, the archaeologist Jacopo Tabolli, the young professor of the University for Foreigners of Siena, who has been leading the project with the concession of the Ministry of Culture. An “absolutely unique” treasure, he stresses, which is accompanied by an incredible amount of inscriptions in Etruscan and Latin. “Made in all probability by local artisans, the 24 newly found statues – explains Tabolli flanked by the director of the excavation Emanuele Mariotti – can be dated between the second century BC and the first after Christ”.